Audio pronunciations, verb conjugations, quizzes and more. This means that the noun can be masculine or feminine, depending on the gender of person it refers to (e.g. el doctor, la doctora). With Reverso you can find the Spanish translation, definition or synonym for jefe and thousands of other words. Context sentences for el jefe in English. Djibril Diallo, the head of the taskforce, will be in Brussels on and January.

Andrés tuvo una discusión con su jefe y ahora teme que lo vayan a despedir. My wife is going to ask her boss for a raise. A word or phrase used to refer to. Jefe definition is - a person who exercises control or authority : chief, leader. How to use jefe in a sentence.
The child was too small to reach the sw. El jefe porteño hizo poco y nada para neutralizar aquellas diferencias. Que el jefe no les hace falta porque están ellos.
El jefe comunal destacó que el Municipio ya está trabajando en un segundo listado con 2beneficiarios. How do you say jefe in Spanish ? Pronunciation of jefe found audio voices, Meaning and Sentences for jefe. Also the mexican guitarist from NoFX.
Many translated example sentences containing señor jefe – English- Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. Jefe ( Spanish to English translation). Spanish English J je jefe Javascript has been deactivated in your browser. Reactivation will enable you to use the vocabulary trainer and any other programs. They come from many sources and are not checked.
FREE Shipping on orders over $25. El Jefe The Boss In Spanish Funny Mexican Boss Gift T Shirt Price: $16. Jerry Douglas is serving as head of the tribe. Allí cuenta con un jefe de gabinete y una secretaria.
There it has a chief of staff and a secretary. El ingeniero jefe de la construcción fue Nadejdin VI. El jefe de Estado es la autoridad superior de un país.
The head of state is the superior authority of a country. Ella diseñó el vestido con Tom For su jefe en Gucci. Jefe literally means boss but it is used in Mexico to refer somewhat disrespectfully to parents.
Learn Spanish with SpanishPo. Jefa is the feminine version meaning mom. In spanish , the word boss can be spelled: el jefe. Meaning and examples for 'el jefe' in Spanish -English dictionary. Over 500translations.
Translation of jefe in Spanish. Spanish German J je jefe Javascript has been deactivated in your browser. Patron in informal employment such as domestic help, handyman, small construction projects that are in the underground economy, or small businesses with few employees.
As CB said they are often often used interchangeably. Invariable words in Spanish are often derived from the Latin participles ending in -ans and -ens (-antem and -entem in the accusative case): estudiante.
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