Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Why school should not have uniforms

Why schools should not have uniforms? What are arguments against school uniforms? Why are school uniforms a bad idea?

As many as one in eight American public schools have been implementing this policy. While there are many advocates for. Opinions are divided about whether or not school uniforms provide benefits for students that outweigh the negatives.

Freedom of expression, cost and self-expression are among the main concerns of mandatory school uniforms. Adding to this, school age children. Schools should be schools and not fashion shows” that’s what my Mother used to tell me when I was attending my school.

At that time I had little or no knowledge of what she is actually trying to say. Because of this, many school officials feel that there is not a point in switching to a school uniform policy, especially when most schools in the United States do not require them. With countless arguments coming up on why students should not wear school uniforms and why they should , there comes about a need to have an analysis done of the same, a pros and cons list that will allow us to look deep into this issue and understand what a school uniform signifies. That’s why there should be no school uniforms period!

Also, the sizes can be really inaccurate, too big or too small.

Schools ultimately should not require students to wear a uniform. School uniforms are more of a hinderance on students, their parents, and even the administration, than a benefit to them. Why do some public schools have uniforms ? Confidence is much harder to achieve while wearing a uniform. Wearing them can get distracting during the day. Some schools say uniforms make us united as a school , but I don’t think they do anything but bother students.

Uniforms take away our individuality. Students should be able to have a choice to wear whatever they want. But the truth is, wearing of uniforms should all depend on the circumstances and the image a given school is trying to portray. Regardless, the importance of school uniforms seems to win the day today even as I write this conclusion and even after so many school uniform essays have been written. Kids should not have to wear school uniforms because it does not let them express themselves.

As well as being bullied children will all look the same. Should we wear school uniforms ? There is no conclusive empirical evidence to prove either. It’s not so much a single uniform as a broad wardrobe of.

However, with an increase in school violence and gang-related activities, the political climate seems to have turned more conservative, and the Supreme Court has begun to return many decisions back to the discretion of the local school board. The issue of school uniforms itself, however, has not yet been dealt with by the Supreme Court. The debate goes on in schools and at homes.

With most American public schools nowadays enforcing the wearing of uniforms inside schools, teachers and parents are weighting whether a uniform policy is necessary or not. A school uniform can include a school -provided matching outfit or a specific guideline on the types of clothing students can wear. One needs to take a look at both the sides of the coin to ascertain whether students should wear school uniforms.

As far as the debate on the need of school uniforms is concerne proponents and opponents have extreme views. The pros and cons of school uniforms is a debate in many communities. Although uniforms have moved from pom-poms and starched aprons to polos and jumpers, the reasons why uniforms are either supported or criticized have remained relatively the same for over 4years.

Most schools have some form of a dress code or a say in how students dress. Here are the key advantages and disadvantages of school uniforms to think about. It is sensible for schools to be able to make dress codes, but telling students they have to all dress the same is absolutely ridiculous.

Having school uniforms is not necessary, and there are many reasons to prove why schools should not make their students wear uniforms. Many people feel that school uniforms should be worn.

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