Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Greenish discharge no smell

There are many characteristics of vaginal discharge, however green discharge is an abnormal symptom caused from infection or chemical irritation. A common sexually transmitted bacterial infection that causes greenish discharge is vaginal Trichomonas. Read below for more information on related symptoms, other causes, and treatment options. It’s embarrassing to talk about this problem, but I need to know if there’s something wrong with me. A few days ago I noticed something greenish on the toilet paper.

My undies had a slightly greenish color too, and they looked gross.

There was no smell whatsoever, but the discharge was very thick, clumpy and lotion like. Yellowish green discharge no odor. I mean, I used to see some discharge before and I can only smell it when I put my nose really close to it, but now, I can smell. Raboubi on light green discharge with no odor: Checked for yeast infection.

Discharge that is considered normal is usually clear or white and has either no odor or a very mild smell. Green discharge is considered abnormal and usually indicates infection, especially when accompanied by a foul smell. If you notice green discharge whilst pregnant you should never try and self-diagnose, always talk to your doctor as they will know your medical history and be able to offer more helpful insight.

This article explains why you have yellow discharge no odor, when its abnormal and when you must talk to your doctor about your symptoms.

Is yellow discharge no smell normal? Some types of discharge , however, could signal something more serious. Vaginal discharge is most often a normal and common occurrence. Learn about treatments, colors and consistency, and when to. If your vaginal discharge becomes smelly with itch then it’s likely due to an infection.

The commonest cause of green vaginal discharge is pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). The symptoms and character of vaginal discharge depend upon the specific condition that is the cause of the discharge. The comforting news is that many colors are normal. But even if you know you’re in the clear, you may be wondering what the different. Abdominal pain may be rare up to the one-third of the affected women have no symptoms.

Light Green Discharge without odor Meaning. A light green discharge is an abnormal vaginal discharge that is usually foul smelling or not and it may come with other symptoms such as inflammation, itchiness, pain and in some cases fever. Any change that occurs in the normal bacterial levels found in the vagina are likely to affect the existing balance. In return, this can lead to a change in the smell , texture, and color of the vaginal discharge. The amount of discharge you have depends on the amount of hormones you have in your system.

If you suffer from some sort of vaginal infection, however, the vaginal discharge can change in character. You can have colored discharge , vaginal burning, or spotting.

I have had five swap tests all of which are negative and also a pap smear which was also clear. I have had medication for BV, chlamydia non of which were necessary because swabs came back negative. Have been treated for a yeast infection previously. This may be accompanied by painful urination, vaginal itching and irritation and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

If the green discharge appeared during pregnancy, it may be a symptom of the body failure. Often pregnant women are prone to vaginal dysbiosis that manifests itself in greenish discharge with a fishy smell , similar to flaking films. In most cases vaginal infections may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as itching, burning, discomfort or spotting. She said its fine as long as no itch and foul smell. The major cause of abnormal vaginal discharge (i.e. itching, foul- smell , thick discharge ) is infection, including sexually transmitted infections.

This infection can result to excessive or a boost in your vaginal discharge. Bacterial vaginosis is a common bacterial infection. Bright re with or without pain may be a concern. Clear or white with no smell discharge is usually normal. I am unable to see a doctor until I can obtain insurance (hopefully next month).

Is there anything I can do at home to help? Greenish -yellow discharge : Two possible culprits. Depending on the severity and type of infection, your discharge may be frothy initially and then yellowish, before turning yellow-green, and later greenish discharge.

It is also possible to have green vaginal discharge without odor. See a doctor if vaginal discharge has an unusual smell or appearance. This article will provide you with of the possible reasons for cottage cheese discharge with no itching and odor.

What is cottage cheese-like discharge ? Before describing what a cottage cheese discharge is, it is important for you to understand that vaginal discharge is normal for all women.

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