It is said that there will be a “V” shape at the bottom of her stomach right before laying. It will take a molly fish a couple of weeks to give birth. They give birth to live fish instead of laying eggs.
Is my guppy going to give birth soon? Breeding occurs easily and often for the molly fish if males and females are in a tank together.
A teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallons of water will go a long way in helping them. They are peaceful fish that live well in a community. Mollies breed using internal fertilization. The male molly inseminates the eggs while they are inside the female.
How many babies can a Dalmatian molly have? How long is a dalmation pregnant for? She gets chased constant,y by a big black female and a small orange male who actually used to hang out with her constantly in a good way.
The black one used to be super shy but then she had babies.
Anyway the orange molly is now swimming in one spot and the fish are actually ignoring her for once. The dalmation is given to them because of the spots and the lyretail is from the filaments on the tail. And yes she is pregnant but no idea how pregnant. The gestation period for livebearers is about month. I then noticed that she had a lump on her belly.
I do have a male dalmatian molly , so I realized that she was pregnant. VERY new to the whole aquatic world. These fish are known as livebearers (similar to guppies and platies).
What makes these fish super cool is they come in so many different color variants. How do I tell if she is, how long until she gives birth and when to seperate ? After a week I bought fish. I have two dalmation mollys and I think one is pregnant.
Shes hiding behind the filter and next to the heater. Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for. Molly Fish is what we are about.
If you are referring to dalmation mollies, the average gestation period.
I have a beautiful female dalmation molly (her name is Penelope). I was just looking at her and I saw a light. I read that when a female molly is pregnant , she will irritate others in the tank Depends on the individual, but this is not the case, it is quite the opposite, the male molly follows her constantly, seeming to smell her rear side Trying to mate. Can anyone tell me what the normal behaviour is when a pregnant black molly is about to give birth. I have pregnant dalmation mollies, one is more so than the other, they look about weeks different.
The furthest along one looks as though she is about to burst with babies so i believe she will give birth any day now. Whether you are getting your fry from a pet shop or have a female molly fish that is ready to give birth, it is important to ensure that you have the right setup for your molly fry as soon as they arrive. For the most part, mollies are very easy to breed.
Superbowl Sunday and their really big now, we had them in a net until days ago, when we interduced them back with the other fish, dalmation mollies (male, female) and red wag playts (male, female) the platys had babies so we put them in the breeder net with the mollies.
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