The average blue whale produces over 4gallons of sperm when it ejaculates, but only of that actually makes it into his mate. So 3gallons are spilled into the ocean every time one unloads, and you wonder why the ocean is so salty. Yes, whale sperm is the reason why the ocean is so salty. And the salt does not just come from whale sperm. It also comes from shark sperm, scuba diver sperm and idiots who masturbate in the middle of the sea.
Does whale sperm have anything to do with why the.
That is a part of it that makes it salty. Snooki and the Whale Sperm. The other part is dissolved minerals or something. But yes there is whale sperm in the ocean.
The Ocean is salty mostly due to the mineral deposits that make up the sea floor, rocks and various other factors. No, not because of whale sperm. The sea is salty because there is more than.
It would take a lot of whale sperm to make the sea that salty, he said. You might think the ocean would become increasingly salty over time, but part of the reason it does not is because many of the ions in the ocean are taken in by the organisms that live in the ocean.
Another factor may be the formation of new minerals. Sperm can be salty (Of course I only heard this from someone). Its really up to you to decide.
This image shows methane mussels living at the edge of a underwater brine pool in a cavern at a depth of 6feet in the Gulf of Mexico. The pool of brine in the foreground is nearly four times as salty as seawater and is so dense that a submarine can. That means that 3gallons of sperm are spilled into the ocean every time one unloads. You wonder why the ocean is so salty. How Much of the Ocean Is Whale Pee (and Worse)?
Roman and his colleagues refer to baleen and sperm whales as ecosystem engineers. Death makes life meaningless right? I don’t really like the beach. I hate sharks, and the water’s all whale sperm.
That’s why the ocean ’s salty. This is also the point where I learned a lot about whale ejaculate. THERE ARE THINGS I CAN’T UNSEE.
So how much whale sperm DO you need to make the ocean salty ? The Sperm whale probably has one of the most stable populations of any whale on Earth, possibly more than a million. This means that the Sperm whale is the only great whale species which is not endangered.
Oh, and because the world is hardcore, it has to be WHALE SEMEN. Yes, an existing urban legend blames the saltiness of the sea on whale jizz. One would think that the ocean would get saltier with time, but it does not – over the last 1. The oceans are in a steady state because as rivers bring salts in other processes remove it. The presence of these dissolved elements, ions and compounds makes the ocean salty. Salinity refers to the amount of these dissolved elements, ions and compounds present in water.
Average salinity in the ocean is parts per thousand. The annual addition of dissolved salts by rivers is only a tiny fraction of the total salt in the ocean. The dissolved salts carried by all the world’s rivers would equal the salt in the ocean in about 2to 3million years.
A second clue to how the sea became salty is the presence of salt lakes such as the Great Salt Lake and the Dead Sea.
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