Friday, 30 March 2018

Extreme vaginal piercing

VCH and HCH (Clitoral Hood) The clitoral hood piercing is a very popular Vulva genital piercing and can be done vertically (VCH) or horizontally (HCH). Contrary to popular myth, the piercing only goes through the protective skin located above the clitoris and not actually through it. This episode is a result of that curiosity. Mediums, who were laymen and monks, pierce themselves (particularly their cheeks) with objects of different shapes and sizes while in an altered state to exhibit the powers and strength.

The time to fully heal a genital piercing varies tremendously, depending on piercing site and individual characteristics: it can range from a week up to six months.

Until fully heale preparations should be made against possible causes of infection, such as proper cleaning on a daily basis. WebMD explains the practice of vaginal piercing, including finding the right practitioner to do the job and the medical risks associated with it. The christina piercing is a vertically placed surface piercing at the top of the labia majora exiting into the pubic mound.

They do not add any increase in sensitivity, however are a very visually attractive piercing that can have a multitude of different flat tops. Piercing into the vaginal tissue and vaginal canal is often rejected by the body. Careful examination by a professional should be done. The skin on this area is very thin and can be easily torn.

It may cause pain during sexual intercourse because it may pull the jewelry inside the vaginal canal.

There are so many variables that determine how fast each person will heal a genital piercing. A general rule is to avoid partnered sex during the first two weeks - and then take it easy. Here is a podcast from an interview on JoyFM with The Woods. The hoary old cliche is that, oftentimes, we lucky gentleman just more surface area with which to work, thereby providing for space with which to be creative and to experiment. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page.

Also, sometimes a regular piercing can be turned into an extreme piercing just because it’s been pierced multiple times (think quadruple tongue piercing ) or because of the degree of stretching a person has done. DO NOT allow your piercing to come in contact with any bodily fluids for the first few weeks while it is healing. This includes saliva as well as semen.

So, you are not restricted from sexual activity, but a condom or dental guard must be used for any and all sexual contact, or you are putting yourself at risk for infection. The fascination for corsets and the female body is not a passing trend. Women have been wearing corsets for centuries in order to accentuate their waist and to enhance their bust.

These corset piercing ideas are part of the modern world and they might be considered a little extreme. In Borneo, women claim a man with an Amphallang is far superior, that normal vaginal intercourse is a totally different experience with that nonflexible, non-shrinking little gold bar pushing this way and that inside them. Another interesting male piercing for love is the Prince Albert. A Gum (or trans-gum) piercing is skewered between the roots of the front teeth with a labret stud.

They may take a bit longer to heal than PA piercings, but usually not by more than extra weeks.

Nipple piercings, vertical labret piercing and stretched ears Body piercing , a form of body modification, is the practice of puncturing or cutting a part of the human body, creating an opening in which jewelry may be worn, or where an implant could be inserted. The word piercing can refer to the act or practice of body piercing , or to an opening in the body created by this act or practice. It is similar to other, more visible types of body piercings. A needle is used to make a hole, and a piece of jewelry is.

Genital piercing , and nipple piercings , are a rewarding experience for many people. Of course a genital piercing can be decorative like all the common piercings you’re already familiar with, but they can also be functional. Piercing enthusiasts often graduate to nipple and genital piercing after collecting many of the popular basics.

Extreme Piercing Taken To A W-HOLE New Level (PHOTOS) By Michael McLaughlin. Warning - thread Vagina Piercing Procedure might contain content that is not suitable for all ages. By clicking on CONTINUE you confirm that you are years and over. Since starting this webzine, I’ve delved into some of my more macabre and outsider interests. One practice that fascinates me is the extreme body modifications – they push the boundaries of what aesthetics are acceptable in society, and sometimes even what is acceptable for human beings.

Body Jewelry sized for YOUR body, YOUR piercing.

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